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- 17 on 5th Oct 2006. - Known as Aryuna. - Sketching, Mangas, Dancing and Singing.

I wish for...

- A black ink pen. - Keyboard. - Peace and Good Health.

My Friends



inspired by Michelle*
It's History

February 2005[Go!]
March 2005[Go!]
April 2005[Go!]
May 2005[Go!]
June 2005[Go!]
July 2005[Go!]
August 2005[Go!]
September 2005[Go!]

Talk It Out

Monday, September 05, 2005


see you there.

7:43 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

When you're sick, your appetite and mood changes too.
For my case, it's my appetite that has a drastic change.
Hmm for other ppl it seems alright to not eat rice daily.
But for my family, it is a must. I guess that's why I am fated into this family. Coz I don't really care of the food intake. Err, so my motive of this entry is... zero.

Just felt like typing in stuff that's running through my mind right now. I haven't been able to dream good stuff of late. All I know is nowadays I would wake up all worried. In actual fact, my facial expression is expressionless. If you want to say I am tired, I have not been up to any vigourous activities or have not been following up my hectic schedule. So tired is not a cause. Stress? Way further than that. I have yet to feel the real deal of stress, not that I want to but seriously stress doesn't come to me that easily. It's all in the mind. If you really want to let people know that you're stressed up, you'll try all means to convince people that you are stressed. And that's bad. I am fortunate I am not one of those kind. Hah.

Oh yeah I like reading Diyy's blog. Haha. Her blog is so deep and I like her usage of vocab and all those English stuff. Sounds sofisticated and all. It makes ppl think right between those sentences and it is also hard to decipher what the persona's going through in the meantime. Hmm... congrats for attracting my attention to your blog, Diyy! haha. Well Nadiah's blog too. Very vivid and Englishy. Sometimes it can add on to my vocab list.

Gotta get rid of pimples forming up on my forehead. Haha. I just wish once I squeeze it, it would be poofed forever and ever. However unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Yep you can say the thrill of squeezing those little volcanos never fail to keep my fingers away from my face. Then comes the constant advice of mom and friends, and mom. Ergh.
"Jgn di picit picit lah!"
"No. You should bring your fringe up."
"Jgn kacau kacau jerawat tu..."

Haha. It's the thrill man!. Oh how I wish I had my baby skin back but dream on. Everyone's skins are changing frequently and there's no one person who has preserved their baby skins. Haha. For sure everyone has at least scratch a part of one's body and those dead cells have fallen off willingly and effortlessly substituting it with new skin cells. And the cycle just goes on.

ah damn it's gonna explode anytime. Heng it's only the forehead. I am so grateful it's not on my cheeks or somewhere blegh blegh.

kk. I guess that's it.

and I so love this quote.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

3:57 PM

Friday, September 02, 2005

yet another week of salvation. Gotta maximise my time to the fullest.
What's up today?
Hmm well. Felt very sick. The head was throbbing non-stop. A lot of "take-cares". Just would like to thank ppl for being observant. Haha.
Yep Rena and Sharon, I've got the Maths Homework oredi.
Also I would like to my congrats to my brother and the team of translators, u guys did it to the final round! haha.
Just don't choose the wrong category again.
Well, tomorrow I'm free. I mean, no tuition. I really miss Shaikhah and Pauline all of a sudden, but it was my decision so... self-revision tmr, neh?
Ah I look fat in photos. Haha. Really need to do something about this. Wouldn't want to feel awkward or uncomfortable in the coming future.
Watched Malaysian Idol, phew... Nita was good, splendid. If I were there, I'll vote her for the next spectaculars.
But somehow, no one can really outstand Jac Victor, she's got the most powerful vocals.
So glad Zizie's befriended her 'fan'. Haha. So no more suspicions and interrogations I guess.
I am growing to love Naq's hair even more! Haha. It's so brown and unique. Suits her perfectly. I miss Ella a lot. Fatin... no comments. Haha. Just that you're getting clumsier day by day. Haha. How can you open an sms and never read it? See what I mean. Total Uniqueness and Wonders.
Lyziana, aww girl, thanks for being there for me. Haha. Athirah... hhaha u taught me how to lower down my body temp. Yeah it kinda work, but it made me more dizzy. Guess no more late nights for me?
Haha. Sure Sure.

11:31 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hmm. Quite a no. of days, I've left this abandoned. I guess only I've noticed this. haha. Because why? Because I am the owner.

Ok every second makes me weaker.
You can save me from the woman that I've become.

haha. Ok nvm. Let's update myself on all the things that had happened, shall we?

Starting from last week?
:: Last week... hmm hmm [remind remind rewind rewind] All I could remember was that the Medley ppl go to Amir's house and rehearse the dance steps. Also we have completed the worksheets for DNT, woohoo now is all up to the DNT students to drill their theory skills.
Oh yeah, also got June 2005 O Levels E. Maths paper. Woah it was like sort of tough, I guess with a little more frequent practice I would be set off. Bai also lent me some anime, and I've finished watching the whole series of Vandread. Is there a sequel or sth?
haha Addictions come back like nightmares. Sleepless nights again. Hoo.
I can drool at Gensomaden Saiyuki's Anime hhaha. They are all so cool. But then.... the fighting scene not detailed enuff lah. So didn't really enjoy much. Only that Hakkai is a drooling device and Goku is so adorable.
Hmm the weekends ended with Sad Tuitions. Sob Sob. I'll miss Shaikhah and Pauline. Haha. THey are good tutors and I see that their future are so bright. Wish I was as smart as them. NUS ppl, phew... Sweating out of that fact.
So left with Asri and Felicia. Haha. Sayonara to them when September Ends.
Monday was Science Practical, it went off quite alright. I was so prepared, to think that I forgot Electricity was also tested in Physics, haha. I totally forgot and so my plan B was to just read the instructions and follow through. Chemistry was surprisingly manageable. Surprising because usually I would take more than two periods to finish the paper, but I competed doing both practicals 15 mins earlier than the given time. haha. Hope for the best.
Then then next day was the mother of Preliminary round. Haha.

English Language Ppr I and II.

yargh! yeah I completed the paper 20 mins before. And oh my god, I would never leave my summary qns alone again!! haha. how can I forget to hand in such an impt section!! haha. I must always read the instructions on the front page of the exam. Yargh! Bad Arjuna!! Must never do that again. So yeah it was kinda hard and risky but can-do task.
Then Teacher's Day Celebrations came by. That was yesterday. Performance was shitty coz the Media Club didn't do their jobs properly. Hydil was really tempered up. So it was all done, though we still got praises and encouragements from friends and teachers. Heh.
Proceeded on to the AVA Theatrette to watch a picture-video made by Hydil, Chairman. Haha. It was touching. Got baby pictures, toddler and recent pictures. I realised that Vincent, Johan, Lucas, Ivan, Khairun getting more comfortable towards me than before. Haha. Addition of close friends is just so nice. It's wonderful to have lots of friends. Ok don't side-track haha.
Then we carried on the 'party' at the canteen. The class really put on effort to throw a fiest for the teachers. Cakes, Macaronni, Chicken Wings... Haha. Mr Wong was really cute. And Of course what would the day be without Mr Ng's jokes and funny faces.
Then after we cleaned up the mess we made in the canteen, we went to Safra and some played pool while others like me played Bowling. Wooo suddenly I felt so professional. I messaged Khal and gang to come down too. Haha. Heard they were about to go Beach, which my initial Plan. Haha.
SO yeah Bowl, partnered up with my brother who's quite good.. damn him. I play also no chance. Then went to crap around with Ayun. Wooohooo. Crazzy ppl we've got. They applied Eyeliner on for Ayun and me. Blegh I look terrible, I am no more the Sec 2 Arjuna. Haha. So sad.
Got a chance to play pool with the advice of Andhika and coached by Azri. Haha. Funny guy Azri is. Coach.. ptuii! But he's good ah.
At first I was so BAD. Very kekok you might want to add.
Then I disturbed the other table, where Lutfi and Izzad was still playing around with last ball. haha. They didn't want to finish off the game so 'quickly'. So yeah both of them taught me some additional skills. And voila, Am i good or what for a beginner? And again, another realisation, whatever games or sports... My left hand is better at those. Haha. Badminton? Left hand. Bowling? Left hand. Pool? Left hand. Arm Wrestle? Left hand. haha. Name it.
So Ayun and me make a great partnership. Haha. Go Go Go!
Actually planned to meet up again at seven plus... but laziness striked. Slept from six and woke up the next day at 8. Haha. Bum-ass. Gotta do maths later if possible. Hmm. Gotta show Ng dat we have shifted our gears. And ready to rumble.

Den again, 1st September.
Happy Teacher's Day.
Goodbye Funn Times.
Hello Competition Days.

3:25 PM

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Adreeeeena or Naq? Haha pure resemblance. Tsk Tsk.

5:31 PM

ah! Naq u shrank! haha. So cute.

5:29 PM

Naq where were u? haha. So happy.

5:29 PM

Forever never smile.

5:28 PM

staring incident. Not happy is it? Not happy try to smile lah.

5:28 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005

A very long week indeed.
Started off with... Haha seriously I forgot what happened on Monday. What ah?
I know Tuesday we had to ACES day during PE. Damn Tai Long was too good. Haha. Prom Tai Long! Prom!
It was fortunate that I wasn't bruised badly out of those movements he made. Haha.
Ok. Next.
Weds. Went to watch The Maid. Woohoo.
Typical horror story. What made it good was the cool effect. Plus, it is based on Singapore Context.
I was being a nice bodyguard to Nisah and Zizie. Pity me, kena squeezed. Haha. I sat in b/w them and boy, my arms hurt. haha. What made me so happy was that the expected solution to the bad guy in the story died a tragic death. Then the whole stretch of all of us was like cheering impactfully, like in a soccer match or sth. Haha.
Also, at night we had rehearsal for Teacher's Day Rehearsal the next day.
They were a buncha dudes, I just had to have good times with them. It would not be complete if jokes were not surrounded if we all are together.
Then Thursday, teacher's day rehearsal. Man, it was so draggy sia. 14 items? Like sheesh man. From so hyped up, the Medley turned moody. Dah takder feel seh nak rehearse ahha.
Den also, 4e5 had a very funny performance. haha. Irsyad, Hilmi and My brother. Giler sia.
Dance like Usher, roll roll on the floor from end to end. Haha. Like what's there to the performance than the word Funny Crazy? hhaha.
Friday, which was today... Hmm science banding got surprise test. So called. man Chemistry I slept, didn't realise it. But some startles here and there. And I am so embarrassed lah, coz Johan saw me in my idiotic sleep look! haha. HE bastard sia go and laugh at me. Haha. Funn guy anyway.
So yeah... tomorrow. The last session for EL and Chem tuition.
Sunday, EM and POA will still carry on till god knows when.
After that Mon - goodness- Science Practical Prelims! I have to be alert and organised. Woohoo.
English Prelims is like 4 days ago. My god, Need to practise more more more.
I need to be getting better, needta improve on Explaining for COmbined Humans. Getting the hang of it. POA, woohoo 100 marks? haha. Unbelievable but believe it! gonna maintain that man.
So, Al-Blog. Gotta go and rest. Maybe do some EL TYS yeah?

10:18 PM

Sunday, August 21, 2005

What should I blog about?
Let's see my schedule later.

E Maths tuition

POA tuition

EL tuition

1700 onwards
go Bukit Panjang for Niece's Birthday Celebration

>POA Test
>Combined Humanities Test on Venice
Oh yar. Have to wake up early. Gotta iron 5 sets of uniforms.
My brother so good iron 1 set, I iron 5. Yargh.
oh well personal hygiene, scared of body odour I guess. That's why my mom got me 5 sets.
One set for one day. How good.
>School Homework< - Maths Banding Ws; complete it. - Also, Combined Humanities Source Based qn. - Gotta practice more POA, I am already on the hang of it, Bai Kun my only rival. After Os, I seriously gotta take up religious classes. Man. I've been missing out on a lot.
Also, resume and catch up back on my Manga/Anime/Jay collection.
I'll be 16 by that time, gotta focus more into life. I'm entering into another phase of time.
Everything's gonna change. Need a lot of hardcore values to overcome those great obstacles of the real world.
Oh yar, gotta work up abs on me. Do more than enough crunches.
Maybe a little biceps would help, to make me look and feel good.
Go Juna. Go.

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

12:47 AM